Monitoring of spret effects on senior elementary schoolboys and schoolgirls involvement in recreation.

Purpose. Development of technology facilitates the production and communication, but at the same time reduces physical activities necessary for pupils in order to ensure them proper growth and development in biological, motor and social terms. The model of sporting-recreational competitions of pupils, SPRET, fosters self-organization and it is based on public records of participating students in those activities that they themselves created. Methods. In a sample, consisting of 89 boys and 82 girls, SPRET model was experimentally applied for a period 21 day. Each individual participation is marked and additional points are given for successfulness in competitions and contribution to the organization. There is only a team placement that is based on participation of an individual from a particular class. The project object is the degree of pupils’ engagement in extracurricular sportingrecreational activities. We monitored the effects of SPRET model application on increase of the volume of extracurricular activities of elementary school pupils during the experimental realization of the project and three months later. Results. Girls’ involvement in recreation raised after the SPRET model application from 17.1% to 31.7% in those female pupils who are regularly engaged in recreation (at least three times a week), and three months after the number of these pupils decreased slightly to 28.0%. Statistically significant difference compared to the initial measurement is p = 0.00, the value of �2= 24,713 at 8 degrees of freedom. In boys, involvement in recreation raised from 39.3% to 40.4% after the project, i.e., 41.6% three months later, in those pupils who are regularly engaged in recreation. Statistically significant difference is on the level p = 0.02, the value of �2 = 18,212 at 8 degrees of freedom.
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