Preparation of in-house reference material of benzylpenicillin in milk and results of a Brazilian proficiency testing scheme

Two milk test materials containing benzylpenicillin and a benzylpenicillin-free material were prepared and used for the operation of a Brazilian proficiency testing (PT) scheme according to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17043. The PT scheme was designed to include laboratories in charge of confirmatory analysis as well as screening analysis. Sets of sample vials, benzylpenicillin-free and spiked items containing 0.2 g of lyophilized milk, were distributed to each participant. Of 20 participants who reported screening data, 18 accomplished satisfying results, providing evidence of the capability of Brazilian laboratories to produce reliable qualitative information. The assigned value (robust average calculated from 6 results) and its uncertainty were (8.28 ± 0.52) μg/L. Participants’ performance was evaluated using z-scores. A small number of participants were able to report quantitative benzylpenicillin results, and consequently care should be taken in the interpretation of the laboratory’s performance, considering the statistical nature of z-scores. Long-term stability testing on remaining PT items showed that a stable benzylpenicillin quality control material was produced and can be used for internal quality control or validation purposes.
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