Role of methionine-enkephalin on the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in the rice field crab Oziotelphusa senex senex

Abstract In the present study, the role of eyestalks and involvement of methionine-enkephalin in the regulation of haemolymph sugar level was studied. Bilateral eyestalk ablation significantly decreased the haemolymph sugar levels, whereas injection of eyestalk extract into ablated crabs significantly increased the haemolymph sugar levels. Total carbohydrate (TCHO) and glycogen levels were significantly increased in hepatopancreas and muscle of eyestalk-ablated crabs, with a decrease in phosphorylase activity. Injection of eyestalk extract into ablated crabs resulted in partial/complete reversal of these changes. Injection of methionine-enkephalin into intact crabs significantly increased the haemolymph sugar level in a dose-dependent manner. Total tissue carbohydrate and glycogen levels were significantly decreased, with an increase in phosphorylase activity in hepatopancreas and muscle tissues of intact crabs after methionine-enkephalin injection. Methionine-enkephalin injection did not cause any changes in haemolymph sugar, tissue total carbohydrate and glycogen levels and activity levels of phosphorylase in eyestalk-ablated crabs. These results suggest that the eyestalks are the main source of hyperglycaemic harmone and methionine-enkephalin induces hyperglycaemia through eyestalks. To cite this article: B. Kishori, P.S. Reddy, C. R. Biologies 328 (2005).
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