Long‐term 0.05–5 Hz ambient deep‐ocean noise, wind, and ocean waves.

Long‐term ambient ocean noise data from the Wake Island hydrophone array in the northwest Pacific are compared to wind measured at Wake and to ocean wave estimates near Wake from U.S. Navy models. Between 0.05 and 0.1 Hz, the hydrophone data are limited by system noise, although long‐period signals from moderate to large earthquakes often exceed that limit. From 0.1 to 0.2 Hz, the ambient noise correlates well with the estimated long‐period ocean swell, with about a 2.5:1 correspondence in their respective frequencies−close to the 2:1 correspondence predicted by nonlinear wave interaction theory. Between 0.2 and 0.3 Hz, the most energetic part of the noise spectrum, the correlation with ocean waves is weaker, suggesting that this noise may have its origin at a more distant location. Between 0.3 and 1 Hz, the noise again correlates strongly with the estimated ocean waves, although the frequency correspondence is 5:1 or greater. And from 1 to 5 Hz, the ambient noise correlates very strongly with windspeed a...
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