Website as Foundation Information Media under the auspices of Nahdlatul Wathan

The Nahdlatul Wathan organization is one of the largest and most widespread organizations in West Nusa Tenggara, especially in East Lombok. The number of foundations under the Nahdlatul Wathan organization has increased rapidly from time to time. But parties from the organization's Nahdaltul Wathan were still having difficulty processing data and getting the latest information about the number and conditions of each foundation under the auspices of Nahdlatul Wathan. This is because the management of the Nahdalatul Wathan organization does not yet have a system that can manage the data as mentioned above. So the Nahdlatul Wathan organization needs the media that was used to overcome it which is called a web-based information system foundation that uses the PHP programming language and MySQL as its database data. With this system, it can simplify and streamline the performance of the Nahdlatul Wathan management, as well as the community, to get the latest information on the development and number of foundations under the Nahdalatul Wathan, which can be accessed quickly and precisely, so it does not take a long time.
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