DOORS: A Novel Social Intelligent and Philanthropical Social Network

Understanding user’s requirements with knowledge extraction mechanisms from stored related data of the user, plays an important role for the orientation of fast real help providing social network. In this project a new method is proposed in which the request and location of the social network’s member is identified first then according to the request as (job, food, shelter, health, finance, education etc), the nearest provider is identified and then informing the nearest provider. The mechanism proposed in this project could be helpful for under develop countries especially in Pakistan where no one knows exactly who has needs and who is provider, although we have reliable communication networks and social IT applications. Therefore in this project during prototype realization , the providers (Individual, Gov Department, NGO, Hospital etc) and seekers (Individual, company etc ) will be registered at same place than any player in the social network when request something , the proposed nearest provider search and intimation method will be applied.
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