Подходы к обоснованию размера должностного оклада медицинских работников

One of the main factors in the formation of motivation to improve the quality and performance of employees of health care providers is a qualitatively and logically built wage system in a medical organization. The basis for calculating an employee’s salary is the amount of the salary, on the basis of which its other elements are established — compensation and incentive payments, other charges. This article is devoted to the study of regulatory issues related to the determination of the salary of employees of medical organizations. Object of study. The system of remuneration of employees of medical organizations. Subject of study. The salary of employees of medical organizations. Purpose of the study. The article discusses the problems of the current system of remuneration in health care, as well as theregulations governing the determination of the size of the official salary of employees of medical organizations. The main theoretical position of the article. The salary of medical workers has a high differentiation even between the subjects of one federal district. Federal legislation regarding the approaches to the wage system is advisory in nature. Therefore, the official salary of doctors of one qualification level, approved at the level of each subject of the Russian Federation, may differ by 5 times. It is substantiated that in order to reduce the differentiation in the size of salaries for medical workers, it is necessary to establish the basic parameters that are uniform throughout the Russian Federation, including the sizes of official salaries of employees of medical organizations. It is advisable to use the value of the minimum wage, annually approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in an amount not lower than the living wage, as the minimum size of the official salary. Scope of the research results. The results can be used as the basis for the policy of improving the remuneration system for employees of federal medical organizations.
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