Web Technology based Smart Home Interoperability

A smart home commonly refers to a home equipped with devices and systems that are connected to each other and can be centrally managed. Remote management can also be provided using, e.g., mobile devices. Research on smart homes has been conducted for decades, but solutions have failed to become popular among common people. One of the problems has been weak interoperability between different devices. However, technological advances in various fields have made smart homes more possible than earlier. We are carrying with us mobile devices not only suitable for the system management but also for sensor measurements, such as automatic positioning. In addition, the required infrastructure for networking is common in modern buildings in forms of wireless and wired local area networks. Also, remote access can be realized over Internet connection. This dissertation focuses on improving interoperability of smart home devices and systems using Web technologies. The proposed solutions are mainly based on the REST architectural model. They exploit the HTTP protocol commonly used by Web browsers. In addition, Semantic Web technologies and multi-agent system intelligence are proposed for the higher-level interoperability. The dissertation presents an interoperability model that extends commonly known interoperability layers with functional interoperability. Derived from the cooperation between different devices, operational logic and automation are commonly considered as objectives of home and building automation systems. Modeling functional interoperability, this dissertation aims to promote these objectives and getting solutions eventually available for the end users. The dissertation presents interoperability layers with existing related research on each of the layers. Web technology based solutions are proposed for improved interoperability. Proof of concept implementations are reviewed against the interoperability model. Interoperability solutions provided by the implementations are described in detail.In the findings, different interoperability solutions are summed up with the used Web technologies. Implementations can be considered to prove that interoperability can be achieved with the used technologies. As a research result, interoperability model emphasizes the importance of functionality in smart home interoperability. Results from the implementations show that Web technologies are well suited for implementing interoperability in smart homes.; Alytalolla tarkoitetaan tavallisesti kotia, jonka laitteet ja jarjestelmat ovat kytketty toisiinsa ja niita voidaan hallita keskitetysti. Myos etakayttaminen voi olla mahdollista esimerkiksi mobiililaitteiden avulla. Tutkimusta alytaloista loytyy jo vuosikymmenien takaa, mutta ratkaisut eivat kuitenkaan ole yleistyneet tavallisen kansan keskuudessa. Yhtena ongelmana on ollut eri laitteiden valinen heikko yhteentoimivuus. Puitteet alytalojen yleistymiselle ovat kuitenkin nyt paremmat kuin koskaan. Kannamme jatkuvasti mukanamme alylaitteita, jotka soveltuvat tallaisten jarjestelmien…
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