The status of the AMS system at MALT in its 20thyear

Abstract MALT (Micro Analysis Laboratory, Tandem accelerator, The University of Tokyo) was designed for a ‘highly sensitive and precise elemental and isotopic microanalysis system’ using an ion-beam generated by a Pelletron™ 5UD tandem accelerator. Currently, a multi-nuclide AMS ( 10 Be, 14 C, 26 Al, 36 Cl, 129 I) system is available and shows good performance in both precision and sensitivity, and the accelerator serves for PIXE, NRA, ERDA/RBS measurements as well. The total operation time of the accelerator has been over 95,000 hours since the start of MALT, 20 years ago. After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident, many projects related to 129 I have been conducted. The retrospective reconstruction of the 131 I distribution at the accident from 129 I is one of the most important missions for dose evaluation of the residents. The accident-derived 129 I is also quite useful as a tracer for the general iodine dynamics in the environment. As a new tool for environmental assessment related to nuclear activity, including the global fallout from past atmospheric nuclear bomb testing, effects from the spent fuel reprocessing plant, and nuclear accidents such as Chernobyl and FDNPP, a 236 U-AMS system is now under development.
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