Numerical simulations on propane/oxygen detonation in a narrow channel using a detailed chemical mechanism: formation and detailed structure of irregular cells

Numerical simulations of two-dimensional inviscid detonations for a stoichiometric propane/oxygen gas mixture are performed using a detailed chemical reaction model. The UC San Diego model which includes 57 chemical species and 268 elementary reactions is mainly used in the present study. It is shown that a grid size of 3 µm can capture important features such as the unburned gas pocket behind the detonation when compared to larger grid sizes. The effects of channel width show that the detonation propagates with the CJ (Chapman–Jouguet) velocity for all cases and for more than 100 times the channel width of 4.5 mm. Increasing the channel width results in an irregular detonation cell structure. A transverse detonation forms with cross-hatching marks on the maximum pressure history. The irregular detonation cell structure forms because both the reduced activation energy and the stability parameter have a value of approximately 10; however, the maximum thermicity in the detonation is one. The free radicals C3H7 and H2O2 play an important role in the propane oxidation under the high temperature in the detonation. The maximum concentration exists at a temperature of 2000–3000 K. The fifth-order WCNS (weighted compact nonlinear scheme) scheme can resolve the contact surface and complicated flow structure behind the detonation front compared to the second-order MUSCL (Monotonic Upstream-centered Scheme for Conservation Laws).
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