Places and digital tourist communication. - The non-conventional technologies applied to tourism have adapted to the digital age a communication need of the tourism experience that has always characterized the travelers. The power of Internet as a global word of mouth has given rise to many forums and blogs about travel experiences, virtual arenas where they are exchanged impressions but also information on real places. these platforms affect the degree of tourist attraction in a whole new way than before. This kind of transition changes the communication of the geographical image, with a trend towards greater importance of practical information for travelling and staying with respect to specific knowledge about the destination and a greater emphasis on subjective experience than in the past. If we take into account the various types of tourist communication and their evolution in the most recent digital forms - from postcards to travelogues, from Baedeker to online guides, from tourist maps to hypermaps - we can understand the extent of this change. In this context, what is the role of geographic information in the construction of the image of places for tourism? How new technologies can meet the needs of a global tourist demand while maintaining a high level of quality of the information? What risks and opportunities are outlined for tourist destinations? The contribution attempts to answer these questions and to propose new ways of spreading the culture of travel using the tools of the geographer. 1. Introduzione Il turismo attuale e profondamente segnato da un duplice, a tratti contraddittorio, processo: la diffusione delle nuove tecnologie, che ne hanno trasformato le modalita, le strategie di promozione, talvolta la sua natura, da una parte; la crescente richiesta di nuovi segmenti di mercato e nuove tipologie di turismo all’insegna di un piu saldo rapporto con i territori e con le identita locali, dall’altra. La diffusione dei servizi turistici on line, come
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