The effects of trehalose glycolipid presentation on cytokine production by GM-CSF macrophages

Trehalose glycolipids (TGLs) are promising vaccine adjuvants, however effects of glycolipid presentation in the in vitro evaluation, and ultimate selection, of lead vaccine adjuvants are often overlooked. To this end, we synthesised a variety of TGLs and determined how the physicochemical presentation of these lipids influenced the cytokine response by bone marrow derived macrophages (BMMs). The TGLs were presented to wild-type and Mincle−/− BMMs as micellar solutions, coated on plates, coated on beads or surfactant solubilised. Medium to long-chain TGLs, either coated on plates or surfactant solubilised, resulted in the highest BMM activation. Stimulation of BMMs with TGLs coated on beads led to a decreased cytokine response, as compared to TGLs alone. All the TGL responses were Mincle dependent, however the mode of presentation did not have the same effect for each individual TGL. This was most apparent for the C22 trehalose monoester, which showed reduced activity compared to its diester counterpart when presented on a plate, but similar activity to the diester when presented as micelles or on beads. Taken together, our findings support the use of several in vitro assays for selecting lead vaccine adjuvants, particularly if structural differences between the adjuvants are pronounced.
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