Development of Concise Physical Performance Test Batteries in Young Athletes.

PURPOSE To 1) define the principal components of physical function assessed by 10 common lower extremity physical performance tests (PPTs), and 2) derive a reduced item set of PPTs that efficiently and accurately measures raw performance and limb symmetry on each underlying component in pediatric and adolescent athletes. METHODS This study included healthy, uninjured volunteers (n=100) between the ages 6 and 18 (mean age = 11.7 ±3.6 years; 52 females). Subjects performed the stork balance, stork balance on BOSU® Balance Trainer, single leg squat (SLS), SLS on BOSU, clockwise and counterclockwise quadrant single leg hop (SLH), forward SLH, timed SLH, triple crossover SLH and lower quarter Y-balance Test. Item reduction was performed using principal components analysis (PCA). We developed separate PCAs for average raw performance and side-to-side limb symmetry, with secondary analyses to evaluate consistency of results by age and sex. RESULTS We identified 2 components for average raw performance (accounting for 65.2% of the variance in total test battery) with a reduced item set comprised of 5 tests, and 4 components for limb symmetry (accounting for 62.9% of the variance in total test battery) with a reduced item set of 7 tests. The most parsimonious test suitable for screening both average raw performance and limb symmetry would consist of 5 tests (Stork balance on BOSU, SLS on BOSU, forward SLH, timed SLH and lower quarter Y-balance Test). Age- and sex-specific test batteries may be warranted. CONCLUSION Comprehensive screening for lower extremity average raw performance and limb symmetry is possible with short physical performance test batteries.
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