Effect of Feedback on Direct Observation of Procedural Skills in Estimation of RBC Count among First Year Medical Students

Background: Formative evaluation has been effective in promoting active learning and a better futureperformance in students after immediate personalized feedback.Aim and Objectives: To analyze the effect of “Direct observation of procedural skills” (DOPS) assessmentand immediate feedback for first year MBBS students in estimation of RBC Count.Methodology: The study was done on first year MBBS students (n=120) during the Physiology practicalclass. Checklist for estimation of RBC count (15 steps) was prepared by six faculty members. The formativepractical test was divided into two practical sessions. During the first session, each faculty observed 4students performing RBC estimation one by one (DOPS) and the details were recorded in the checklist.Similarly in five practical classes 120 participants were evaluated and immediate feedback was given tothem for two minutes. In the second session the same procedure was followed and results were compared.Students perception about the assessment process (DOPS) was documented by feedback questionnaire asper Likert scale.Results: The mean practical marks of the participants before feedback was 8.32 ± 2.25 and after feedbackwas 10.18 ± 1.81 (P<0.05). 92% of the study participants felt DOPS in RBC estimation was useful to themConclusion: DOPS assessments worked well in the student’s practical laboratory setting by serving as aneffective educational tool. Immediate personalized feedback to the students has resulted in reasonable skilldevelopment both subjectively and objectively.
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