Sustainability of Oil Palm Smallholders in Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatera Province

Meningkatnya permintaan akan produk minyak sawit berkelanjutan membuat pemerintah Indonesia mewajibkan semua produsen kelapa sawit untuk mensertifikasi perkebunannya dengan standar Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO). Di sisi lain, petani kelapa sawit paling dirugikan karena menghadapi berbagai kesulitan dalam memenuhi standar keberlanjutan yang ditentukan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat (1) kepatuhan petani terhadap standar keberlanjutan ISPO dan sertifikasi Fairtrade, (2) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niat petani untuk mematuhi standar ISPO, (3) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niat petani untuk mematuhi standar Fairtrade, (4) determinan Willingness to Pay (WTP) untuk membayar biaya sertifikasi ISPO, dan (5) determinan WTP petani untuk membayar biaya sertifikasi Fairtrade. Sebanyak 150 data petani sawit yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Padang Lawas, Provinsi Sumatera Utara digunakan dalam proses analisis. Analisis yang digunakan meliputi uji proporsi, Partial Least Squares (PLS), dan metode two stage Heckman. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa petani kecil menunjukkan kepatuhan yang rendah terhadap standar ISPO dan FT. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niat petani untuk mematuhi standar keberlanjutan ISPO antara lain adalah sikap dan norma subjektif. Sedangkan kepatuhan terhadap standar FT dipengaruhi oleh kesadaran akan konsekuensi, kepatuhan terhadap ISPO, kemampuan berprestasi, dan norma subjektif. Penentu besaran WTP petani pada biaya ISPO adalah umur, norma subjektif, kesadaran konsekuensi, dan pendapatan usahatani. Namun penentu WTP terhadap indikator FT adalah PCB, kesadaran konsekuensi, dan pekerjaan. Peran pemerintah sangat penting dalam memberikan fasilitas berupa pelatihan dan sosialisasi untuk mempersiapkan petani agar meningkatkan kepatuhannya terhadap standar keberlanjutan. Selain itu, terkait regulasi, pemerintah diharapkan memasukkan skema insentif dalam perumusan standar sertifikasi ISPO terkini. The raising demand for sustainable palm oil products makes the Indonesian government oblige all oil palm producers to certify their plantations to the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) standard. On the other hand, oil palm farmers are the most disadvantaged because they face various difficulties in meeting the specified sustainability standards. Therefore, this study aims to look at (1) Farmer's compliance with the sustainability standards of ISPO and Fairtrade certification, (2) Factors that influence farmers 'intentions to comply with ISPO standards, (3) Factors that affect farmers' intentions to comply with standards Fairtrade, (4) determinants of farmers 'Willingness to Pay (WTP) to pay the ISPO certification fee, and (5) determinants of farmers' WTP to pay Fairtrade certification fees. A total of 150 data on oil palm farmers located in Padang Lawas District, North Sumatra Province were used in the analysis process. The analysis used includes the proportion test, Partial Least Squares (PLS), and the two stage Heckman method. The results of this study indicate that smallholders show that they show low adherence to ISPO and FT standards. Factors that influence farmers' intention to comply with ISPO sustainability standards include attitude and subjective norm. Meanwhile, compliance with FT standards is influenced by awareness of the consequences, compliance with ISPO, ability to perform, and subjective norms. The determinants of the amount of WTP of farmers on ISPO costs are age, subjective norm, consequences awareness, and on farm income. However, the determinant of WTP towards FT indicators is PCB, the consequences awareness, and occupation. The government's role is very important in providing facilities in the form of training and outreach to prepare farmers to increase their compliance with sustainability standards. In addition, regarding regulations, the government is expected to include incentive schemes in the formulation of the latest ISPO certification standards.
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