Evaluation of GPM sampling error over major basins in Indian subcontinent using bootstrap technique

Abstract The study investigates the evaluation and comparison of sampling error for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission orbital data products by implementing a bootstrap technique over the two major basins in the Indian subcontinent i.e the Ganga and the Mahanadi basin. The relative sampling error evaluated over both the Ganges and Mahanadi basins showed commendable results thus giving the confidence to adopt the bootstrap technique to evaluate the sampling error. The region over India with large seasonal rainfall seems to have less sampling uncertainty and vice versa with some regions showing exceptions which might be due to the difference in precipitation variability and space-time correlation length. The scale dependence was verified for four grid sizes along with seasonal time scale. Results indicate that the relative sampling error estimates are inversely proportional to the scale of the grid size. The comparative study of evaluation of sampling uncertainty to different precipitation types resulted to have maximum sampling error in GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) in comparison to Dual Precipitation Radar (DPR) convective and DPR total precipitation. Thus, the comparable results of sampling uncertainty between the major basins in the Indian sub-continent provides the user a decision making criteria before utilizing the GPM orbital products in any applications.
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