Morphology and shallow structure of seafloor mounds in the Canary Basin (Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean)

Abstract The increasing volume of high-resolution multibeam bathymetry data collected along continental margins and adjacent deep seafloor regions is providing further opportunities to study new morphological seafloor features in deep water environments. In this paper, seafloor mounds have been imaged in detail with multibeam echosounders and parametric sub-bottom profilers in the deep central area of the Canary Basin (~350–550 km west off El Hierro Island) between 4800 and 5200 mbsl. These features have circular to elongated shapes with heights of 10 to 250 m, diameters of 2–24 km and with flank slopes of 2–50°. Based on their morphological features and the subsurface structures these mounds have been classified into five different types of mounds that follow a linear correlation between height and slope but not between height and size. The first, second (Subgroup A), and third mound-types show heights lower than 80 m and maximum slopes of 35° with extension ranging from 2 to 400 km 2 and correspond to domes formed at the surface created by intrusions located at depth that have not outcropped yet. The second (Subgroup B), fourth, and fifth mound-types show higher heights up to 250 m high, maximum slopes of 47° and sizes between 10 and 20 km 2 and are related to the expulsion of hot and hydrothermal fluids and/or volcanics from extrusive deep-seated systems. Based on the constraints on their morphological and structural analyses, we suggest that morphostructural types of mounds are intimately linked to a specific origin that leaves its footprint in the morphology of the mounds. We propose a growth model for the five morphostructural types of mounds where different intrusive and extrusive phenomena represent the dominant mechanisms for mound growth evolution. These structures are also affected by tectonics (bulge-like structures clearly deformed by faulting) and mass movements (slide scars and mass transport deposits). In this work, we report how intrusive and extrusive processes may affect the seafloor morphology, identifying a new type of geomorphological feature as ‘intrusive’ domes that have, to date, only been reported in fossil environments but might extend to other oceanic areas.
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