Sample pooling of RNA extracts to speed up SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis using CDC FDA EUA RT-qPCR kit

Abstract Background The CDC protocol for SARS-CoV2 RT-PCR diagnosis (2019-nCoV CDC kit) is considered a gold standard worldwide; based on three different FAM probes (N1 and N2 for viral detection; RP for RNA extraction quality control), three reactions per sample are needed for SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis. Results We herein describe a sample pooling protocol: pooling 3 RNA extractions into a single PCR reaction; we tested this protocol with 114 specimens grouped in 38 pools and found no significant differences for N1 and N2 Ct values between pool and single sample PCR reaction. Conclusion This pool of three protocol has a sensitivity of 100 % compared to the standard single sample protocol. For a typical 96-well plate, this pool assay allows 96 samples processing, speeding up diagnosis and reducing cost while maintaining clinical performance, particularly useful for SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis at developing countries.
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