Hierarchical Porous Wood Cellulose Scaffold with Atomically Dispersed Pt Catalysts for Low-Temperature Ethylene Decomposition

Despite the excellent catalytic properties of individual nanoparticles and atomic clusters, the cur-rent capabilities to assemble them into a complex system are insufficient for many practical appli-cations. An objective of this work is to develop a fabrication technology that allows for the simul-taneous control of the nanoparticle surface chemistry, elemental distribution, microscale geometry, and large-scale assembly. Using a cellulose structure derived from wood, we fabricated hierar-chical porous cellulose scaffolds combined with cerium-doped TiO2. This hybrid material served as the support for atomically dispersed Pt catalysts and was used to successfully decompose eth-ylene at zero degrees Celsius. The fabrication concept developed in this work would allow miti-gating the conflict between the required large active surfaces and the difficulties in handling na-nopowders in environmental catalysis, including food preservation and indoor air purification. We thus discovered a promising route to manufac...
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