Raising the Level of Awareness of Local Communities in Elaborating the Management Plan for Natura 2000 ROSCI Somesul Rece Site

By implementating the management-plan for the ROSCI0233 SomeAŸul Rece Site, it aims on one hand to preserve the habits and the species of community interes within the site, as well as to preserve the sustainable development of the area. In order to implement these objectives, it is necessary the involvement of the interested factors and collaboration with the local communities. Raising the level of information of local communities was achivied on 14 meetings, 2 in each of Somesul Rece Site 7 villages: Valea Ierii, Caps, Cerc, Plopi, RAƒcAƒtAƒu, MAƒguri and Muntele Rece. Following the meetings, two major informations were identified: on one hand, the lack of knowledge related to the protected areas, and on the other hand, people fear in terms of the existence of Natura 2000 protected areas in their zone. Analyzing the 2013 and 2015 questionnaires, we could observe the raising of awareness within the local communities on all the important aspects concerning the elaboration of Somesul Rece management plan: genaral informations about the site, benefits of the site, source of information on Natura 2000 Network etc. Raising the level of information of local communities within Nataura 2000 Somesul Rece Site was achived, helping also in elaborating the management plan of the area, even if the two important villages had a different view for the importance of the area: the inhabits within Valea Ierii were interested of the benefits of the area, but the inhabits within Maguri Racatau were not pleased at all of the fact that they are living in or near a protected site.
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