The rate of seasonal influenza vaccination in diabetic children, the effect of recommendation and the factors influencing the acceptance of recommendation: an interventional study.

Objective: To investigate the vaccination rate of influenza in diabetic children and the effect of recommendation and other factors on vaccination rate. Material and Methods: On July 2011, 144 diabetic children and their families were informed about and were recommended to receive the influenza vaccine every year, in September. On December 2011, parents were questioned about the vaccination. Results: Influenza vaccination rate of the previous season (28.3%) increased to 50.0% (pl0.05). Receiving the vaccine in 2010 was the only contributing factor to the recommendation success. The reasons given by the non-receivers were; forgetting (50.0%), fear of adverse-effects (26.4%), not believing in usefulness (15.2%), rejection by the child (4.2%) and effects of media (4.2%). 88.9% of those who forgot declared that they would receive if they were reminded at the beginning of the season. Conclusion: The rate of influenza vaccination was low. The majority of those who didn't recieve the vaccination declared that they would if they were reminded at the beginning of the season and the fact that “receiving the vaccine in 2010” was the only factor influencing the recommendation success indicate that recommending isn't enough but that reminding and giving detailed information about the vaccine will increase vaccination rates independent of other factors. Turkish Amac: Diyabetik cocuklarda grip asisi yaptirma orani ile asilanma orani uzerine tavsiyelerin ve diger faktorlerin etkisini arastirmak Hastalar ve Metod: Temmuz 2011ade 144 diyabetik cocuk ve ailesi her yil eylul ayinda grip asisi yaptirmalari konusunda bilgilendirildi ve bu yonde tavsiyelerde bulunuldu. Aralik 2011ade ailelerle asiyi yaptirip yaptirmadiklari konusunda tekrar gorusuldu. Sonuclar: Grip asisi yaptirma oranlari bir onceki doneme gore artmistir (% 28,3 ten % 50 ye pl0.05). Tavsiyelerin basarisi uzerine katkisi olan tek faktor 2010 yilinda asi yaptirmakti. Yaptirmama sebepleri sirasiyla unutma (50.0%), yan etkilerinden korkma (26.4%), faydasinin olmadigini dusunme (15.2%), cocugun istememesi (4.2%) ve medyanin etkisi (4.2%) idi. Asiyi yaptirmayi unutanlarin % 88.9au eger mevsimin basinda hatirlatilsaydi asiyi yaptirirdik dediler. Karar: Grip asisi yaptirma oranlari dusuktur. Asiyi yaptirmayanlarin buyuk bir bolumu eger mevsimin basinda hatirlatilsaydi asiyi yaptirirdik demesi ve tavsiyelerin basarisi uzerine katkisi olan tek faktorun “2010 yilinda asi yaptirmak” olmasi sadece tavsiye etmenin yeterli olmayacagini ; hatirlatma yapmanin ve asi hakkinda detayli bilgi vermenin asi yaptirma oranlarini diger faktorlerden bagimsiz bir sekilde arttiracagini dusunuyoruz.
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