Microprotoplast-mediated transfer of single, specific chromosomes between sexually incompatible plants

Microprotoplast-mediated chromosome transfer (MMCT) through fusion of small (subdiploid) microprotoplasts of a transgenic triploid potato (Solanum tuberosum) cell line with leaf protoplasts of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and the wild tomato species Lycopersicon peruvianum is reported. The microprotoplasts contained one or a few chromosomes. Monosomic addition plants were produced from the fusion products. We employed mass-scale induction of micronuclei in donor suspension cells of potato using the microtubule inhibitor Cremart. Protoplasts were isolated from micronucleated cells after incubation in a cell wall digesting enzyme mixture. The microprotoplasts were isolated from the micronucleated protoplasts by high-speed centrifugation. By using sequential filtration, small microprotoplasts containing one or few chromosomes were separated from the bigger subdiploid microprotoplasts. These small microprotoplasts were fused with recipient protoplasts of tobacco or tomato using polyethylene glycol. The selectable marker kanamycin resistance a an^) and the reporter gene P-glucuronidase (gus), carried by the donor potato chromosome, were used for the selection of fusion products and the isolation of hybrid calli. Several monosomic addition plants were obtained within the short period of 3-4 months after fusion. These contained one potato chromosome carrying a single copy of gus and one or two copies of the neomycin phosphotransferase (nptll) gene conferring an^, and the complete set of chromosomes of tobacco or tomato, as revealed by genomic in situ hybridization and Southern blot hybridization. The alien genes, gus and nptll, were stably expressed in both the tobacco and tomato backgrounds. They were transmitted to the progeny after backcrossing to tomato. Monosomic and disomic additions, and some introgression plants showing integration of gus and nptll in the tomato genome, were recovered in the first backcross progeny. The potential value of MMCT for the transfer of economically important traits, genome analysis, and gene expression is discussed. Resume : Les auteurs rapportent le transfert de chromosomes au moyen de microplastes (MMCT; << microplast- mediated chromosome transfer D). Une fusion a CtC rCalisCe entre des petits microplastes (moins que diploi'des) dCrivCs d'une lignC cellulaire de pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosum) transgdnique et des protoplaste foliaires du tabac (Nicotiana tabacum) ou d'une espkce sauvage de tomate Lycopersicon peruvianum. Les microplastes contenaient un ou quelques chromosomes. A partir des produits de ces fusions, des lignCes d'addition ont pu Ctre produites. L'inhibiteur de microtubules Cremart a CtC employC afin d'induire la production a grande Cchelle de micronoyaux dans une suspension cellulaire de pomme de terre. Des protoplastes ont CtC prCparCs en incubant ces cellules micronuclCdes dans une solution contenant un mdlange d'enzymes pouvant digCrer la paroi cellulaire. Les microplastes ont CtC sCparCs des protoplastes micronuclCds par centrifugation a haute vitesse. Par filtration sequentielle, des petits microplastes contenant un ou quelques chromosomes ont pu Ctre sCparCs des plus gros microplastes aneuploi'des. Ces microplastes de petite taille ont fait l'objet de fusions avec des protoplastes de tabac ou de tomate au moyen de polydthylkne glycol. Le gkne marqueur confkrant la rCsistance a la kanamycine a an^) ou le gene rapporteur P-glucuronidase (gus), tous deux prCsents dans le chromosome de pomme de terre, ont CtC employks afin de sklectionner les produits de fusion et d'isoler des cals hybrides. Plusieurs plantes portant un chromosome additionnel ont CtC obtenues trois a quatre mois aprks la fusion. Des hybridations gCnomiques in situ et des hybridations Southern ont rCvC1C qu'en plus de possCder des gCnomes complets de tabac ou de tomate, ces plantes contenaient un chromosome de pomme de terre portant une copie du gkne gus et une ou deux copies du gene de la ne'omycine phosphotransfe'rase (nptll) confdrant la rdsistance a la kanamycine.
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