A középkori latin betűs epigráfia íráskorszakai, a feliratok érdekességei és kiegészítési lehetőségei

The era of this research concerning Hungary is from the foundation of state till the Ottoman conquest; the material of research is constituted by the inscriptions of objects and historical relics. The medieval epigraphy of Roman letters deals with all inscriptions using the Roman (Latin) characters. The epigraphs of Romanesque (Norman) and early Gothic period: The inscriptions connected with the Romanesque style started after 1000 and lasted till the middle of the thirteenth century. The early Gothic style appeared from the third quarter of the twelfth century and lasted till the third quarter of the thirteenth century. The Gothic maiuscula epigraphs: The period of Gothic maiuscula, started after 1230 in Europe. The beginning of this type of letter can be dated earlier in Hungary than in the case of stone inscriptions, testified by the inscription of the double seal of Stephen V. (1270-1272). This type was fashionable till the age of Sigismund and can be seen on his seals of 1389 and 1400. The usage of this letter on coins continued next century and was not succeeded by the Gothic minuscula. The Gothic minuscula epigraphs: The appearance of the Gothic minuscula on stone inscriptions can be dated at 1365- 1370, then the type became more popular from the eighties. Inscriptions of Gothic minuscula are known as late as 1508 and 1524. Embossed variations can be put at the beginning of the fifteenth century. The so-called fraktur form was used from 1510 on the German inscriptions appearing on the western borders of Hungary. The Humanist capitalis epigraphs: In case of stone inscriptions the Humanist capitalis letter remained the most characteristic type from 1467 till the historical epoch-making year of 1541. Its provincial variations appeared in the country at the beginning of the sixteenth century and became widely accepted till the twenties. The usage of ligatura and enclave became more marked after 1500 and they were fashionable till 1541. The type called the early Humanist capitalis can be observed on a seal of 1472 of king Matthias. Its general usage can be dated at the first decades of the sixteenth century. Some specialities of the epigraphs: On the inscriptions, using letters of antiqua of the Romanesque age, early Gothic, Gothic maiscula and Humanist capitalis, one can read poems written in the classical metrical style, mainly in the form of hexameter and distichon. Words and names referring to the knowledge of ancient mythology can be found just on Humanist inscriptions. Likewise tabula ansata and mythological elements and date according to the Roman Calendar is characteristic for mainly the Humanist epigraphs. The importance of the reconstruction of the medieval epigraphs: In case of medieval inscriptions the profound knowledge of epigraphy and paleography is needed. The completion of texts demands the collection of stone relics nationwide. The data of inscriptions can be classified into seven groups: words and phrases referring to death; date; the rank and title in case of important persons; proverbs in Latin, citations from the Bible, chosen slogans; fashionable metrical poetry, mainly hexameter and distichon; legal act engraved in stone, contract. The completion of epigraphs can be done easier, if the missing parts of the text were preserved in another kind of source.
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