Coupled phonons and magnetic orderings in GaFeO3: Raman and magnetization studies

Magnetoelectric (ME) materials with ferroelectric and magnetic transition temperatures near room temperature are of current interest in research due to their technological importance and potential applications. Herein, we report the coupled magnetic ordering and phonons in gallium ferrite (GaFeO3), a near room temperature ME perovskite, using magnetization and inelastic light scattering measurements as a function of temperature. Temperature-dependent magnetization behavior studied in a wide temperature range of 5–395 K at both field-cooled (FC) and zero-field-cooled (ZFC) conditions using different static magnetic fields confirms the magnetic transition temperature Tc at 220 K. On temperature dependent Raman spectroscopy, no significant changes in Raman spectra were observed at an elevated temperature that can be attributed to the absence of structural phase transition. Instead of expected anharmonic behavior, several librational (rigid rotation) and stretching modes of rigid BO6 units were found to be ha...
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