LDSD supersonic Flight Dynamics Test 1: Post-flight reconstruction

The Low Density Supersonic Decelerator project's first Supersonic Flight Dynamics Test (SFDT) occurred on June 28, 2014, off the west coast of Kauai, Hawaii, over the Pacific Ocean. The test vehicle traveled to speeds above Mach 4 and to an altitude of over 200,000 feet. This flight, although classified as a test architecture shake-out flight, tested two technologies: a robotic class Supersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator and a Supersonic Disksail Parachute. The reconstruction team was tasked with collecting all relevant pre-flight and flight data to accurately reconstruct the trajectory and technology performance during the science phase of the flight. Furthermore, the reconstruction team has been involved with reconstructing and exploring all aerodynamic and test vehicle properties that affected the entire flight phase. This reconstruction provided insight into the technology performance, which is a key deliverable for the LDSD project, as well as provided insight into lessons learned for subsequent SFDT flights, in the fields of data recovery, reconstruction, and pre-flight trajectory simulations.
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