Solvent composition, cleaning method, coating film formation method, heat transfer medium, and heat cycle system

Provided are: a solvent composition that has an excellent ability to dissolve various organic substances, has excellent cleaning performance and drying properties, does not cause detrimental effects to the global environment, and has superior stability; a cleaning method using the solvent composition; a coating film formation method; a heat transfer medium that includes the solvent composition; and a heat cycle system using the heat transfer medium. A solvent composition that includes 1-chloro-2,3,3-trifluoro-1-propene and 1-chloro-3,3-difluoro-1-propene; a cleaning method in which the solventcomposition is brought into contact with an article to be cleaned; a method in which a non-volatile organic compound is dissolved in the solvent composition to prepare a coating film-forming composition, the coating film-forming composition is applied upon an object to be coated, and thereafter the solvent composition is evaporated to form a coating film comprising the non-volatile organic compound; a heat transfer medium that includes the solvent composition; and a heat cycle system using the heat transfer medium.
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