Impact of increased rate of caesarean section on perinatal outcome: sociolegal evaluation.

: Sharp rise in the caesarean section rate, over the past years has been causing lot of concerns. It is to be evaluated whether the decrease in perinatal mortality rate is due to the rising rate of caesarean section. Five hundred consecutive patients were selected on whom caesarean section had been performed. Both mother and baby were followed till they are discharged from the hospital. Foetal distress was the commonest indication in primigravidae who underwent caesarean section. The other indications of caesarean section in this study were breech, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, cord prolapse, elderly primi, postdated, premature rupture of membrane, twin, compound presentation, meconium stained liquor. The occurrence of perinatal morbidity in caesarean section was 10% compared to 12% in vaginal delivery. Common causes of perinatal morbidity were asphyxia, prematurity, diarrhoea, septicaemia, jaundice, conjunctivitis and scalp injury. The occurrence of perinatal mortality in caesarean section was 3.8% compared to 3% in vaginal delivery. Causes of perinatal mortality were stillbirth, meconium aspiration syndrome, hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy, prematurity and congenital malformation. In spite of safety of vaginal birth after caesarean section it continues to be underutilised. Good perinatal care proper screening and use of newer effective pharmacological agents improve the maternal progress as well as perinatal outcome without increasing the caesarean section rate.
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