Wettability of Water Based Sol-Gel Coatings for Optical Glass Preforms

This book useful for Students and Research Scholar’s who have taken introductory course to understand the importance of thin films at atomic scale is training tool for the future developments in nano technology. This textbook offers insights into the fundamental principles that govern the wettability of glass at high temperature and how the nano scale coatings are prevent the sticking problems in micro lens fabrication processes. It’s also includes introduction of new ways to produce high accurate optical devices with low cost. Complete over wise of the protective nanocoatings and it role in optical industries has been discussed in this book. Highlights of the book: - Discussed the mechanisms of molten glass sticking at high temperature. - Details of the time and temperature dependent glass wetting and sticking behavior. -Explained the water based sol-gel coating process to apply protective coatings on stainless steel molds and on glass performs. -Described the procedure to assess the durability of the protective coatings. - Elaborated the effect of protective film on glass visco-elastic flow or lens forming behavior.
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