Nitric Oxide, Heparin and Procaine Treatment in Experimental Ceruleine-Induced Acute Pancreatitis in Rats

The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of L-arginine (nitric oxide donor), L-NNA (N O synthase inhibitor), heparin and procaine on the pancreas' microcirculation, serum interleukin 6 (IL-6) level, and microscopic alterations of the pancreatic gland in acute pancreatitis (AP) in rats. AP was ind uced by 4 i.p. injec- t ions of cerulein (15 μg/kg/h). Microcirculatory values of the pancreas were measured by means of laser Doppler f lowmetry 5 h after the first cerulein injection. Remarkable morphologic changes in the pancreas, including parenchymal necrosis, an elevation of serum IL-6 activity, and significant drop of pancreat ic capillary perfusion w as observed in rats with NO synthase inhibition. L-arginine improved the pancreatic microcirculation but worsened the microscopic alterations within the pancreas. Heparin had a beneficial effect on the microcirculatory values, serum IL-6 activity, and morphologic changes. Procaine had no effect on the course of A P. Authors c onclude that heparin, improving the pancreatic capillary blood perfusion, may be considered as a promising t herapeutic agent in acute pancreatitis.
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