Abstract An Examination of Play Streets in Turkey: Sample of Ankara and Istanbul Play that related to all developmental areas and stages of human life takes and important place in children’s life and is an occupation that children play every time and everywhere. Street is a place that children can reach easily. However it is neglected that streets should be arranged properly to children’s use. Streets are not taken place in children’s life. For some reasons such as traffic and safety, parents are concerned about their children playing on the street. Thus concept of “play street” has gained importance in order that children can play in naturel environment and the street that is near their home. When the play streets that offer to children natural playing environment are arranged properly, both all developmental areas of children are supported and the worries of parents about their children playing on the street are decreased. Accordingly, the aim of the research is to examine the play street in Ankara and Istanbul in terms of environment, materials, content, accessibility and cleanliness. The research design is “holistic multiple-case design” which is one of the case study designs; as for the sample of research is 10 play streets which was selected by purposive sampling method in Ankara and Istanbul. As a data collection tool was used to “Play Street Checklist” that is created by researchers. The data are analyzed with content analysis according to predetermined themes in the checklist. Results indicated that the play streets in Istanbul and Ankara are different from each other with regard to approach. The play streets in Ankara are mostly towards preschool children and predominantly are had materials while others in Istanbul are rich in terms of playground (spielplatzs, bowling and chess area etc.) towards all aged. Besides, the materials in the play streets in Ankara are not checked and repaired regularly. The play materials related the playgrounds (chess man etc.) do not exist always in the play streets in Istanbul. Unlike Istanbul, there is no a special activity to increase the use of the play streets in Ankara and these play streets are left to children's own choice only. When the play streets are examined in terms of the most important factor of security theme, results indicated that 7 of the 8 play streets in Ankara are open to traffic but there are warning signs for security. However the play streets in Istanbul are closed to traffic and equippped with security cameras. As a result, the fact that attempts to concept of play street in Ankara and Istanbul which are Turkey’s biggest cities has been regarded as an important improvement for Turkey. However increasing the qualities and the number of the play streets throughout Turkey will provide that children will gain maximum benefit from these play streets. Keywords : Play, Play Street, Playgrounds Ozet Tum gelisim alanlariyla ve yasamin tum donemleriyle ilgili oldukca onemli bir kavram olan oyun, cocugun hayatinda cok onemli bir yer tutar ve cocugun her zaman ve her turlu mekanda yapabilecegi bir ugrastir. Cocuklarin oyun oynamak icin en rahat ulasabilecegi yer ise sokaktir. Gunumuzde sokaklar, cocugun hayatinda yeterince yer bulamamaktadir. Trafik ve guvenlik gibi sebeplerden dolayi ebeveynler, cocuklarinin sokakta oynamasi konusunda endise duymaktadir. Bu nedenle cocuklarin oyunu dogal ortamlarda ve evlerinin yakinindaki sokaklarda oynayabilmeleri icin “oyun sokagi” kavrami onem kazanmistir. Bir sokagin ya da caddenin, bir takim kurallar dâhilinde cocuklarin kullanimi icin ayrilmasiyla olusan oyun sokaklari, bazi ozelliklere sahiptir. Cocuklara dogal bir oyun ortami sunan oyun sokaklari uygun sekilde duzenlendigi takdirde, hem cocuklarin tum gelisim alanlarini destekleyecek hem de ebeveynlerin cocuklarin sokakta oynamalarina iliskin endiseleri azalacaktir. Bu dogrultuda arastirmanin amaci; Ankara ve Istanbul illerinde bulunan oyun sokaklarinin cevre, materyal, icerik, ulasilabilirlik ve temizlik acisindan incelenmesidir. Arastirmanin deseni, durum calismasi desenlerinden biri olan  “butuncul coklu durum deseni”; orneklemi ise amacli ornekleme yontemi ile secilen Istanbul ve Ankara illerinde bulunan 10 oyun sokagidir. Veri toplama araci olarak arastirmacilar tarafindan olusturulan “Oyun Sokagi Kontrol Listesi” kullanilmistir. Veriler,  kontrol listesinde onceden belirlenmis olan temalar dogrultusunda icerik analizi yontemiyle cozumlenmistir. Arastirma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara gore, Istanbul ve Ankara’da bulunan oyun sokaklarinin yaklasim olarak birbirinden farkli oldugu gorulmustur. Ankara’daki oyun sokaklari daha cok okul oncesi donemine yonelik ve materyal agirlikli iken, Istanbul’daki oyun sokaklari, tum yas gruplarina yonelik farkli oyun alanlari (oyun parki, bowling, satranc alani vb.) bakimindan zengindir. Bunun yani sira Ankara’daki oyun sokaklarinda bulunan materyallerin, bakimi ve onarimi duzenli olarak yapilmazken Istanbul’da bulunan oyun sokaklarinda, var olan oyun alanlari ile iliskili olan satranc taslari vb. oyun materyalleri devamli olarak oyun sokaginda bulunmamaktadir. Guvenlik temasina iliskin en onemli faktor olan trafik acisindan oyun sokaklari incelendiginde ise Ankara’da bulunan 8 oyun sokagindan 7’sinin trafige acik oldugu ancak guvenligin uyari levhalari ile saglanmaya calisildigi; Istanbul’da bulunan 2 oyun sokagi ise trafige kapali olup guvenlik kameralari ile donatildigi gorulmustur. Sonuc olarak, Turkiye’nin en buyuk illerinde oyun sokagi kavramina yonelik adimlarin atilmis olmasi, Turkiye acisindan onemli bir gelisme olarak degerlendirilmektedir. Ancak var olan oyun sokaklarinin niteliklerinin ve Turkiye genelinde sayilarinin arttirilmasi,  cocuklarin oyun sokaklarindan maksimum duzeyde faydalanmalarini saglayacaktir.
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