Роль эндотелийзависимых вазоактивных факторов в развитии перинатального поражения ЦНС у детей, рожденных женщинами с гестационнам сахарным диабетом

This article presents the results of a complex examination of infants in their first year of life, born by women with gestational diabetes mellitus. All children were diagnosed with perinatal damage of the CNS, and most of them showed the signs of diabetic fetopathy. The results of evaluation of the endothelium-dependent vasoactive factors concentration in the blood serum of observed infants revealed an endothelial dysfunction determined by an elevated level of endothelin-1 and reduced generation of nitrogen oxide metabolites. An increased concentration of insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1was found in the blood serum of observed children. Statistically founded correlation dependencies were established between the content of endothelin-1, insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1, which testifies to interrelation of the metabolic and the vascular disorders leading to development of cerebrovascular dysfunction in children born by women with gestational diabetes mellitus.
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