Utilization of rock-like oxide fuel in the phase-out scenario

Utilization of rock-like oxide (ROX) fuel in light water reactors for plutonium (Pu) burning was studied by nuclear material balance (NMB) analysis for a case of Japanese phase-out scenario under investigation after the Fukushima accident. For the analysis, the NMB code was developed with features of accurate burn-up calculation, flexible combination of reactors and fuels, and an ability to estimate waste and repository. Three scenario groups of once-through Pu burning in mixed oxide (MOX) fuel and in ROX fuel were analyzed. Using two full-MOX or full-ROX reactors the Pu amount is reduced to about one-half and the isotopic vector of Pu deteriorated for being used as a nuclear weapon, especially in terms of spontaneous fission neutron generation. Effects of ROX reactors are more significant than MOX reactors in terms of both reduction in the Pu amount and deterioration of the isotopic vector. Repository footprint and potential radiotoxicity are not reduced by the MOX and ROX reactors because the heat and t...
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