Новые подходы к типологии сельских территорий России

In many countries approaches to the assessment of the potential of development in rural areas have been changed, which was reflected in the state policy. This research field is extremely important for Russia, primarily because of the geographical contrasts of its vast territory. In 2019 the state program of integrated development of rural areas was first adopted in the country. An important tool to reveal disparities in rural development is the typology of rural areas. The paper focuses on the issues of typological studies of rural areas with regards to Russian specifics and presents the results of their typology at different scales. Different impact of the factors of spatial differentiation of rural development was described for two levels, i. e. between the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities of the Bryansk oblast. Different variables were analyzed at the macro level. Some of them characterize features of the "rurality" of regions. Spatial distribution of the types, determined with the cluster method, clearly demonstrates longitudinal and latitudinal zonation. The southern agrarian and the northern non-Chernozem regions belong to different types. High percentage of aged population is a specific demographic feature in most regions of European Russia. Other regions are specific in their involvement in migration flows and ethnic composition. Rural areas of the central European part are better provided with transport, social and communal infrastructure. However, rural areas equipped with running water, sanitation, and central heating systems account for just one-third of the territory even in the most successful regions. The availability of infrastructure is extremely poor on the periphery, and, especially, in the North. The natural increase of population and the migration balance were used as indicators for typology of rural areas of the Bryansk oblast on micro level. Four types of municipalities were identified, i. e. depressive periphery, sustainable developing and stable peri-urban, and agrarian leaders.
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