An evidence-based assumption that helps to reduce the discrepancy between the observed and predicted $^7$Be abundances in novae.

Recent spectroscopic measurements of the equivalent widths of the resonant Be II doublet and Ca II K lines and their ratios in expanding nova ejecta indicate surprisingly high abundances of $^7$Be with a typical mass fraction $X_\mathrm{obs}(^7\mathrm{Be}) = 10^{-4}$. This is an order of magnitude larger than theoretically predicted values of $X_\mathrm{theor}(^7\mathrm{Be})\sim 10^{-5}$ for novae. We propose how this discrepancy can be reduced. We use an analytical solution of the $^7$Be production equations to demonstrate that $X_\mathrm{theor}(^7\mathrm{Be})$ is proportional to the $^4$He mass fraction $Y$ in the nova accreted envelope and then we perform computations of 1D hydrostatic evolution of the $1.15\,M_\odot$ CO nova model that confirm our conclusion based on the analytical solution. Our assumption of enhanced $^4$He abundances that helps to reduce the discrepancy between $X_\mathrm{obs}(^7\mathrm{Be})$ and $X_\mathrm{theor}(^7\mathrm{Be})$ is supported by UV, optical and IR spectroscopy data that reveal unusually high values of $Y$ in nova ejecta. We also show that a significantly increased abundance of $^3$He in nova accreted envelopes does not lead to higher values of $X_\mathrm{theor}(^7\mathrm{Be})$ because this assumption affects the evolution of nova models resulting in a decrease of both their peak temperatures and accreted masses and, as a consequence, in a reduced production of $^7$Be.
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