The rapid hydrolysis and efficient absorption of triglycerides with octanoic acid in the 1 and 3 positions and long-chain fatty acid in the 2 position.

ABSTRACI We describe rapid hydrolysis of triglycerides with medium-chain fatty acids in the I and 3 positions and a long-chain fatty acid in the 2 position. The triglycerides, 2-linoleoyl-1,3dioctanoyl glycerol (8L8) and 2-oleoyl-1,3-dioctanoyl glycerol, hydrolyzed more rapidly than triglycerides comprising all long-chain fatty acids. The in vitro hydrolysis rate of 8L8 was similar to that of a medium-chain triglyceride of octanoic and decanoic acids in random positions. From intestinal recovery of 14C 45 mm after injection into the isolated, irrigated loop of the small intestine of an anesthetized rat, the amount of 2-[l-’4C]linoleoyl-l,3-dioctanoyl glycerol absorbed was> 2#{189} times that of its long-chain analog, 2-[l-’4Cjlinoleoyl-l,3-dioleoyl glycerol. These data support the ease of hydrolysis and absorption of 1,3-dioctanoyl triglycerides with long-chain fatty acids in the 2 position. Am J Clin Nuir 1987;45:940-5.
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