Resolución No. 590 (Febrero 15 de 2021) (Por la cual se establece el Premio a la Excelencia en Investigación de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga)

The Rector of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, in use of his powers conferred by article thirty-seventh, literal a) and n) of the Statutes of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga CONSIDERING: 1. The guidelines of the Ministry of National Education through Laws 30 of 1992 and 1286 of 2009 which “strengthen the national system of science, technology and innovation in Colombia). 2. The guidelines of the Ministry of National Education through Decrees 1075 of 2015 and 1330 of 2019 that recognize as quality criteria the presence of stimuli for the generation of research, innovation, artistic and cultural creation products. 3. The parameters established by the Ministry of National Education for processes of self-evaluation, verification and evaluation of the quality conditions to obtain, modify and renew qualified records through resolution 021795 of November 19, 2020. 4. The guidelines of the National Council Accreditation - CNA where the institution defines and applies with academic criteria a regime of incentives that effectively recognize the qualified exercise of the functions of teaching, research, artistic creation, extension or social projection and international cooperation 5. The deployment of the institutional Educational project where research is the foundation of learning, the production of knowledge and its articulation with society. 6. The 2019-2024 development plan where one of the challenges is to make UNAB a University recognized for the generation, transfer and communication of knowledge and participation in academic and scientific networks. 7. That an award should be created that recognizes the efforts made by university researchers to generate products derived from Science, Technology and Innovation activities.
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