Synthesis and secretion of albumin and transferrin by foetal RAT hepatocyte cultures

Abstract Hepatocytes derived from foetal rat liver synthesize and secrete albumin and transferrin when maintained in primary culture. These proteins are produced for at least seven days under the conditions of culture. Studies on hepatocyte cultures derived from 12, 13, 14, 15 and 19-day foetal rats show that the maximal cellular rate of secretion of both proteins increases about 50-fold over this period. The maximal rate of albumin secretion in all cultures is achieved after one day in culture and decreases in hepatocytes from early foetuses after the fourth to sixth day in culture. Transferrin secretion by hepatocytes from 12 to 15 day foetuses increases markedly during the second day of culture and is relatively constant thereafter. In contrast, secretion of transferrin by hepatocytes from 19-day foetuses is constant from the first day of culture. The results show that both albumin and transferrin are synthesized and secreted by the foetal liver as early as the twelfth day of gestation. The increase in the rate of transferrin secretion that occurs during culture of hepatocytes from 12 to 15 day foetuses may reflect the development of a secretory mechanism that is different from that for albumin.
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