DAS Alo terletak di Kecamatan Tibawa Kabupaten Gorontalo Provinsi Gorontalo. DAS Alo memiliki ketinggian antara 50 m di atas permukaan laut di bagian hilir dan 475 m di atas permukaan laut di bagian hulu. Hulu DAS Alo merupakan perbukitan – pegunungan struktural di bagian utara dan barat laut dengan kemiringan lereng yang berkisar antara 15 - 40 persen.  Di bagian selatan (hilir) di dominasi oleh bentuklahan asal solusional yaitu perbukitan karst . Karakteristik DAS Alo terdiri dari l uas DAS mencapai 69.736.900 m 2 , p anjang s ungai u tama 21.160.422 meter dan k emiringan s ungai 2 , 21% . Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kemampuan dan kesesuaian lahan di DAS Alo Provinsi Gorontalo. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan metode survei lapangan dan analisis laboratorium sampel tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kemampuan lahan dan k esesuaian lahan dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik Biogeofisik lahan di DAS Alo. S atuan bentuklahan perbukitan denudasional berbatu breksi memiliki kelas kemampuan lahan I, III, IV dan VI . Perbukitan struktural berbatuan breksi memiliki kelas kemampuan lahan I, II, III, IV, V dan VI . Perbukitan struktural berbatuan diorit, kelas kemampuan lahannya II, III, IV, V dan VI. Perbukitan karst kelas kemampuan lahannya III dan VIII dengan faktor pembatas lereng permukaan sedangkan k elas kemampuan lahan VII tidak dijumpai. K elas kesesuaian lahan pertanian jagung pada kelas kesesuaian lahan S 3 , kelas kesesuaian lahan N 1 (tidak sesuai saat ini) dan kelas kesesuaian lahan N 2 (tidak sesuai selamanya). Sedangkan untuk kelas kesesuaian lahan S 1 (sangat sesuai) dan kelas kesesuaian lahan S 2 (cukup sesuai) tidak dijumpai di DAS Alo. Kata kunci: DAS Alo, Kemampuan Lahan, Kesesuaian Lahan. Alo Watershed is located in Tibawa Sub-District, Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province. The Alo watershed has a height of between 50 m above sea level in the downstream and 475 m above the sea level in the upper reaches. The upper Alo watershed is a structural hill - mountain range in the north and northwest with a slope ranging from 15 - 40 percent. In the south (downstream) is dominated by the form of land from the original solution, the karst hills. The characteristics of the Alo Watershed consist of an area of 69,736,900 m2, a main river length of 21,160,422 meters and a river slope of 2.21%. The main objective of this study is to analyze the ability and suitability of land in the Gorontalo Province Alo Watershed. To achieve this goal field survey methods and laboratory analysis of soil samples are used. The results showed that land capability and land suitability were affected by biogeophysical characteristics of land in the Alo watershed. Unit shape den denational hills breccia rocky has a land capability class I, III, IV and VI. The rocky structural breccias hills have land capability classes I, II, III, IV, V and VI. Diorite rocky structural hills, land capability classes II, III, IV, V and VI. Karst hills are land capability classes III and VIII with surface slope limiting factors while land capability class VII is not found. Corn land suitability class in S3 land suitability class, land suitability class N1 (not suitable at present) and land suitability class N2 (not suitable forever). As for the S1 land suitability class (very suitable) and S2 land suitability class (quite suitable) not found in the Alo watershed. Keywords: Alo Watershed, Land Capability, Land Suitabili ty.
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