Carbon Irradiation Exerts Potent Antiangiogenic Effects via Downregulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Lung and Prostate Cancer Models

identified key kinases involved in radiation response. In particular, shortest path network mapping using Djikstra’s algorithm in MetaCore identified FGFR1, JAK2, CRK, and FGFR2 as radiation resistant hubs. Conclusions: Patient-derived GBM xenoline probands provide a powerful model for investigating clinically relevant therapies, including radiation. We have identified radiation resistant network pathways through kinomic profiling of phenotype-classified probands. Ongoing studies include prospective radiation sensitivity testing of xenolines based on generated kinomic signatures. The improved understanding of GBM signaling in response to therapy will allow for an adaptive management strategy to combat treatment resistance. Author Disclosure: C.D. Willey: None. J.C. Anderson: None. C.W. Duarte: None. D. Zhi: None. X. Cui: None. N.V. Choradia: None. V. Srinivasasainagendra: None. J. Wang: None. G. Gillespie: None.
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