Characterization of flour obtained from waste of ca ssava minimally processed

The minimal processing of cassava generates a lot o f waste, comprising of shells and pieces that do no t meet the standards of minimally processed products. Thus, the study aimed assess the influence of processing steps of waste from cassava to reduce or eliminate the levels of cyanogenic glycosides on t he use of waste in the production of flour and product development. The residues were washed in running water, selected, sorted, sanitized, centrifuged, cr ushed, pressed and dried at 90 ° C. Waste in nature and the flours were analyzed for physico-chemical and microbiological. For microbiological analysis, the steps of sanitization and drying were effective to obtain flour with low concentration of microorganis ms. Regarding the physical-chemical waste in nature and the flour had low lipid, ash and protein and high percentage of carbohydrates. The operations of grin ding and pressing of the residues provoked signific ant increase in the tenor of starch and significant dec rease in the tenor of total cyanide, total acidity and browning index. Thus, it was found that the process ing of cassava waste was effective in reducing tota l cyanide, thus making it possible that these residue s are utilized in food formulations.
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