Pulsational instabilities driven by the ∈ mechanism in hot pre-horizontal branch stars: I. The hot-flasher scenario

The $\epsilon$ mechanism is a self-excitation mechanism of stellar pulsations which acts in regions inside the star where nuclear burning takes place. It has been shown that the $\epsilon$ mechanism can excite pulsations in models of hot pre-horizontal branch stars, and that the shortest periods of LS IV-14$^{\circ}$116 could be explained that way. We aim to study the $\epsilon$ mechanism in stellar models appropriate for hot pre-horizontal branch stars to predict their pulsational properties and the instability domain in the $\log g-\log T_{\rm eff}$ plane. We perform detailed computations of non-adiabatic non-radial pulsations on stellar models during the helium subflashes just before the helium-core burning phase. We find an instability domain of long-period gravity modes due to the $\epsilon$ mechanism in the $\log g-\log T_{\rm eff}$ plane at roughly $22000\,{\rm K} \lesssim T_{\rm eff}\lesssim 50000\,$K and $4.67 \lesssim \log g \lesssim 6.15$. Consequently, we find instabilities due to the $\epsilon$ mechanism on pre-extreme horizontal branch stellar models ($T_{\rm eff}\gtrsim 22000\,$K), but not on pre-blue horizontal branch stellar models ($T_{\rm eff}\lesssim 21000\,$K). The periods of excited modes range between $\sim 200$ and $\sim2000\,$s. Comparison with the three known pulsating He-rich subdwarfs shows that $\epsilon$ mechanism can excite gravity modes in stars with similar surface properties, but in our models it is only able to excite modes in the range of the shortest observed periods. We predict a new instability strip for hot-subdwarf stars of which LS IV-14$^{\circ}$116 could be the first inhabitant. Based on simple estimates we expect 1 to 10 stars in the current samples of hot-subdwarf stars to be pulsating by the $\epsilon$ mechanism. Our results could constitute a theoretical basis for future searches of pulsators in the Galactic field.
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