ARTIGO ORIGINAL / ORIGINAL ARTICLE / ORIGINALE Profile of elderly patients admitted to the hospital emergency

Objective: To evaluate the clinical and epidemiological profile of elderly admitted to a Hospital Emergency Teresina-PI. Methodology: Study quantitative, descriptive, exploratory and retrospective. The sample consisted of elderly inpatients between the period January to December 2011. Data collection took place between april-may 2013. The analyzed variables were the sociodemographic characteristics of the elderly and causes of hospitalization. Data were coded and processed using SPSS program (Statistical Product and Service Solucions - version 19.0). Results: The results showed that 55.3% of the sample were male, 44.7% to the female, with higher rates of hospitalizations for males - 55.3%, the predominant age group was 70 to 74 years - 20.3%, with respect to marital status, 56.6% were married, 46.2% had primary education, 71.9% were retired, 56.6% was from the inside. Among the leading causes of hospitalizations stood out: Fractures - 21.6%, Cerebrovascular Accident 12.2%, Congestive Heart Failure - 7.5%, Debridement of Ulcers - 4.9% and other causes 14 %. Conclusion: It was concluded that the preventive aspects are still the most effective measures to decrease the hospitalization of the elderly, therefore, is important to emphasize primary care and its lightweight technologies aimed at promoting health. Descriptors: Hospitalization. Health of the Elderly. Aging. Nursing RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil clinico-epidemiologico de idosos internados em um Hospital de Urgencia de Teresina-PI. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva, exploratoria e retrospectiva. A amostra foi constituida dos idosos internados entre o periodo de Janeiro a Dezembro de 2011. A coleta de dados foi realizada no periodo de abril a maio de 2013. As variaveis analisadas foram as caracteristicas sociodemograficas dos idosos e causas da internacao hospitalar. Os dados foram codificados e processados no programa SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solucions - versao 19.0). Resultados: Os resultados apontaram que 55,3% da amostra pertenciam ao genero masculino, 44,7% ao feminino, com maiores indices de internacoes para o genero masculino - 55,3%, a faixa etaria predominante foi de 70 a 74 anos - 20,3%, quanto ao estado civil, 56,6% eram casados, 46,2% possuiam o ensino fundamental, 71,9% eram aposentados, quanto a procedencia, 56,6% residiam no interior do estado. Dentre as principais causas das internacoes destacou-se: Fraturas - 21,6%, Acidente Vascular Cerebral - 12,2%, Insuficiencia Cardiaca Congestiva - 7,5%, Debridamento de Ulceras - 4,9% e outras Causas com 14%. Conclusao: Os aspectos preventivos ainda sao as medidas mais eficazes para minimizar as internacoes de idosos, deste modo, destaca-se a atencao basica/primaria e suas tecnologias leves voltadas a promocao da saude. Descritores: Hospitalizacao. Saude do Idoso. Envelhecimento. Enfermagem.
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