수질오염총량관리제 시행에 따른 삽교호의 수질변화 예측

Broadly speaking, in order to analyze the water quality improvement effects of the implementation of the Total Water Pollutant Management System in the Sapgy-Lake waterways, a reference was made to the [Plans for implementation of the Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL)] in 3 cities (Cheonan, Asan, Dangjin). The results of the investigation into the plans to reduce the pollutant load show in that region show that there are plans to reduce pollution for a total of 16 reduction facilities. As for the result of the computation of the reduction in the load, these measurements were computed at the Gokgyo-stream basin and Namwon-stream basin, with BOD and T-P at the Gokgyo-stream basin reduced by 13.9 % and 13.3 %, respectively, while BOD and T-P at the Namwon-stream were reduced by 3.7 % and 3.3 %, respectively. In this way, thus using the results of the water quality forecast of Sapgyo-Lake in measures for the improvement of water quality (in accordance with the implementation of the TMDL), and using the QUAL-MEV model and EFDC model, it is noted that BOD will be improved by 26.4 % from 6.1 mg/L to 4.5 mg/L 0.0 %, T-P by 36.7 % from 0.168 mg/L to 0.107 mg/L and TOC by 26.4 % from 7.7 mg/L to 5.6 mg/L. However, it is forecasted that the targeted standards for the medium influence area will not be achieved. Evidently, Gokgyo-stream and Namwon-stream have been implementing the Total Water Pollutant Management System for the BOD items since January 1, 2019, but the Sapgyo-stream and Muhan-stream were excluded from being designated as subject regions. As such, it is noted now that it is necessary to implement the TMDL for the entire Sapgyo-Lake water systems including Sapgyo-stream and Muhan-stream in order to improve the water quality of Sapgyo-Lake, and likewise the T-P should be designated as the substance subjected to management in addition to BOD.
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