Characterization of Alpha-Amylase from Aspergillus niger Aggregate F Isolated from a Fermented Cassava Gatot Grown in Potato Peel Waste Medium

The use of GRAS microorganisms isolated from fermented foods during amylase production using an economical food-waste medium provides more opportunities to produce amylase with a wider range of applications. Hence, this study aimed to isolate a good amylase-producing fungi from the traditional Indonesian fermented cassava, gatot, and to identify the amylase-producing capability of the isolate in a potato peel waste (PPW) medium. Black-colored fungi isolated from gatot was morphologically identified and the amylase produced was characterized using SDS-PAGE and Native PAGE. The isolate was then grown on PPW medium, and the amylase produced was further characterized. Morphological identification and enzyme characterization revealed that the Aspergillus niger aggregate F isolated from gatot secreted an active extracellular α-amylase with an optimum pH of 5-6. In conclusion, Aspergillus niger aggregate F isolated from gatot can be used to produce α-amylase using PPW as a medium.
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