Synthesis of organomagnesium complexes and compounds in poly(cyano-p-xylylene) matrix by co-condensation of cyano-p-xylynene and magnesium

The phase diagram a of PS-cyclohexane system was examined using cloud point measurements, light scattering, calorimetry, and the ratio between the volumes of coexisting phases. It was found that the boundary curve determined calorimetrically at a scanning rate 10 -6 K/s coincides with the spinodal in the range of moderate solution concentrations ; for dilute solutions, the curve shows a horizontal portion at 303.86 K. In the range of moderate solution concentrations, the right-hand branch of the spinodal shows an inflection. The specific features of the phase diagram are due to the coil-globule conformational transition. The transition, which is observed at ? 2 < 5.5 x 10 -3 , takes place both in the stable (above the binodal) and metastable (between the binodal and spinodal) regions and is, in fact, a first-order phase transition. The temperature at which the chains collapse is independent of the concentration of the solution.
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