Faculty Recommendations for Web Tools: Implications for Course

A GAP ANALYSIS OF WEB TOOLS in Engineering was undertaken as one part of the Digital Library Network for Engineering and Technology (DLNET) grant funded by NSF (DUE-0085849). DLNET represents a Web portal and an online review process to archive quality knowledge objects in Engineering and Technology disciplines. The gap analysis coincided with the development of DLNET to identify Web tools that faculty or students might use to help process information in the portal. Products of a two-phase online Delphi process with a panel of 65 Engineering and Technology faculty include: 51 tool suggestions rank-ordered by need, categorized in ten groups, and sub-ranked by faculty in four Engineering disciplines. Gaps between desired tool features and actual tool features currently available in online course management systems were identified to aid in improved software systems. Recommendations are provided for new tools. Faculty ratings suggest a preference for instructor-centered tools consistent with previous studies of course management systems. Findings imply new tool systems better aligned with pedagogical strategies are needed, as well as innovative models of faculty peer-to-peer support in order to move from standard tool
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