First characterization of a static Fourier transform spectrometer

A new instrument concept for a Static Fourier Transform Spectrometer has been developed and characterized by CNES. This spectrometer is based on a Michelson interferometer concept, but a system of stepped mirrors generates all interference path differences simultaneously, without any moving parts. The instrument permits high spectral resolution measurements (≈0.1 cm −1 ) adapted to the sounding and the monitoring of atmospheric gases. Moreover, its overall dimensions are compatible with a micro satellite platform. The stepped mirrors are glued using a molecular bonding technique. An interference filter selects a waveband only a few nanometers wide. It limits the number of sampling points (and consequently the steps number) necessary to achieve the high resolution. The instrument concept can be optimized for the detection and the monitoring of various atmospheric constituents. CNES has developed a version whose measurements are centered on the CO2 absorption lines at 1573 nm (6357 cm −1 ). This model has a theoretical resolution of 40 pm (0.15 cm −1 ) within a 5 nm (22.5 cm −1 ) wide spectral window. It is aimed at the feasibility demonstration for atmospheric CO2 column measurements with a very demanding accuracy of better than 1%. Preliminary measurements indicate that, although high quality spectra are obtained, the theoretical performances are not yet achieved. We discuss the causes for the achieved performances and describe foreseen methods for their improvements.
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