Esporotricose felina: um termômetro social: Feline sporotrichosis: a social thermometer

E indiscutivel a importância que a educacao ambiental (EA) vem ganhando nos ultimos tempos, no intuito de garantir a existencia de ambientes saudaveis para a perpetuacao e a sobrevivencia das especies. A escola, como centro de producao do conhecimento, assume o suporte essencial para o desenvolvimento da consciencia ambiental. O objetivo deste trabalho e analisar a metodologia trabalhada pela Escola Municipal Professora Marlene Flores, a influencia da educacao ambiental na vida dos alunos, bem como mudancas de comportamento e acoes de preservacao para com o meio ambiente. O estudo de caso mostrou que a escola propoe atividades relacionadas a educacao ambiental, mas que a falta de estrutura e de recursos nao permite que os projetos tenham maior abrangencia, limitando-se a participacao de professores e alunos. Porem, os resultados alcancados representam um avanco frente as tradicoes e a condicao social da comunidade.   Indeed the importance of environmental education (EE) has been gaining in recent times in order to assure the existence of healthy environments for the perpetuation and survival of the species. Thus, the school as a center of production of knowledge takes the essential support for the development of environmental awareness. The objective of this study is to analyze the methodology worked out by the Municipal School called “Professora Marlene Flores”, the influence of environmental education in the lives of students as well as changes of behavior and actions to preserve the environment. The case study showed that the school offers activities related to environmental education, but the lack of infrastructure and resources do not allow that the projects to have greater coverage, limited itselves to participation of teachers and students. However, the results represent an advance forward to the traditions and the social condition of the community.
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