Chocolates and 'Legrias': Dilemma of the Best Sales Channel.

This teaching case aims to understand the challenges between opening distribution channels and new products The report involves a small Brazilian chocolate factory It presents the structuring, production processes, brand concept, formation of sales prices, and the choice of distribution channels in COVID-19 times The company faced challenges in the market for presenting products with low adherence to distribution channels, high costs and price, and an inadequate brand positioning, resulting in low sales After repositioning itself with a new brand and price concept, the case raises the dilemma: What is the best distribution channel during the crisis period caused by COVID-19 for the newly restructured company? The pedagogical objectives are focused on the analysis of alternatives in the choice of distribution channels, considering the implementation challenges, the transaction costs for products at an early stage, and the scenario of uncertainties resulting from the pandemic, as well as the application of sales channel concepts and distribution The case can be applied in undergraduate and MBA courses in the management area and is recommended to encourage students to reflect on the structure and challenges of implementing small entrepreneurs' distribution channels (English) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Este caso de ensino tem como objetivo entender os desafios entre a abertura de canais de distribuicao e novos produtos O relato envolve uma fabrica de chocolate brasileira e apresenta a estruturacao, os processos de producao, o conceito da marca, a formacao dos precos de venda e a escolha dos canais de distribuicao em tempos de COVID-19 A empresa enfrentava desafios no mercado por apresentar produtos com baixa aderencia aos canais de distribuicao, custos e precos elevados e um posicionamento de marca inadequado, resultando em baixas vendas Apos se reposicionar com um novo conceito de marca e preco, o caso levanta o dilema: Qual e o melhor canal de distribuicao durante o periodo da crise causada pela COVID-19 para a empresa recem-reestruturada? Os objetivos pedagogicos se concentram em analisar as alternativas na escolha dos canais de distribuicao, considerando os desafios de implementacao, os elevados custos transacionais para produtos em estagio inicial e o cenario de incertezas resultante da pandemia, bem como a aplicacao de conceitos de canais de venda e distribuicao O caso pode ser aplicado em cursos de graduacao e de pos-graduacao lato sensu da area de gestao e e recomendado para incentivar os alunos a refletir sobre a estrutura e os desafios da implementacao dos canais de distribuicao para pequenos empreendedores (Portuguese) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of RAC - Revista de Administracao Contemporânea is the property of Associacao Nacional de Pos-Graduacao e Pesquisa em Administracao (ANPAD) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use This abstract may be abridged No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract (Copyright applies to all Abstracts )
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