Plotino y Nicolás de Cusa: semejanzas y diferencias

ACTAS DEL VI COLOQUIO INTERNACIONAL ΑΓWΝ COMPETENCIA Y COOPERACION DE LA ANTIGUA GRECIA A LA ACTUALIDAD Homenaje a Ana Maŕia Gonzalez de Tobia La Plata, FAHCE-UNLP, 19 al 22 de junio de 2012 sitio web: ISSN:2250-7388 799 The tradition has grouped together Plotinus and Nicholas of Cusa in the same school of thought, the former as its starting point and the latter, perhaps, as its culmination. Beyond historiographical labels, i will attempt to establish which aspects of Plotinus’ thought persist in Nicholas of Cusa to the degree that would allow a legitimate understanding of in what sense the two philosophers can be called “neoplatonic”. Certainly, Plotinus and Nicholas of Cusa’s ideas differ in aspects that could be considered relevant enough to reject the possibility of thinking of them as members of the same school. To these differences between systems, we can add the fact that there is no indication that Nicholas had had contact with Plotinus’ work. However, both have reflected upon similar problems and each, in their own manner and time line, have provided proposals, that are, in some cases, parallel. PALABRAS CLAVE: Plotino-Nicolas de Cusa-Semejanzas-Diferencias.
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